International mother language day & Language Martyrs' Day

The 21st of February is a red-letter day in our national life. Every year on this very day the whole nation comes to the martyr’s monument and the ritual seems to effect purification of souls. On this day in 1952, the brave sons of ‘Mother Bengal’ laid down their lives to protect the interest of the mother language. After the birth of Pakistan, the ruler of West Pakistan wanted to impose ‘Urdu’ on the Bengali speaking people as the state language of Pakistan. But everybody, especially the students of the then East Pakistan demanded Bengali as the state language. As a result, the language
Shaheed Minar
Shaheed Minar

The movement took place and on 21st February 1952 Rafiq, Salam, Barkat, Zabbar, Shafiq, and so on sacrificed their lives. Many were injured and hundreds were arrested. There are millions of martyr’s monument in our country. Every year on this day people come to this monuments and offer their respect to the martyrs. The Government different organizations and institutions arrange programmes to celebrate the day. Besides, according to a singular decision of the UNESCO on November 17.1999, this day is

BD Prime Minister (L) and President  (R)

now the International Mother Language Day. The 1st International Mother Language Day has been observed all over the world with due respect in 2000. On this day in a message, UN Secretary-General Kofi Anan said, “This day will help to raise awareness among the nations of the world about the enduring value of their language.” This day possesses a great influence for the whole nation as it did in this past. This will go on in the future too. In fact, this movement Influenced and led the nation to its liberation. However, yet we find inspiration from the dreamy blue of this movement. Our language 
Movement on 21st February is a unique event in the history of human civilization. 

International mother language day

We are really glorified by the declaration of the UNESCO that turned a National Celebration to an international event. We are proud of our language.

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